Ok, so here's the latest with the good ol' Brooks family. WE'RE MOVING! Yes, we sure are. It's still sinking in that we're leaving. Brandon has enjoyed his position with Honey, Don't Cough. It was uncertain the time that he would be needed with the company. With much prayer and consideration, Brandon decided to take a new position. Brandon has enjoyed selling Honey. I often hear Payton saying that when he gets older, he wants to sell Honey like Daddy does. It sounds silly but touches my heart that he wants to be just like Daddy! Honey Don't Cough will still be around. Look for it in Meijer (coming soon) and on Target.com. It's also at Harvest Health and Family Fare Supermarkets.
So here's the scoop. Several years ago Brandon attended Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. Sadly, his stay was cut short when his Mom became ill. Brandon moved back to Illinois and finished his education several years after at Cornerstone University. He graduated last year and since then has wanted to go back to earn his masters degree. Going back to school is expensive and we were thinking of holding off for a bit. Well, holding of for a bit was an understatement! Brandon applied for the resident director position at Lee University. After several interviews they offered Brandon the position. Here's the kicker, Brandon will receive a free masters degree from the college! I am also elligable for this perk as well.
Brandon's first day is July 13th. We plan to move a few days prior to his first day. Our friend Mike has been gracious to move us to Cleveland. We'll have a 10 hour drive to our new home. Brandon will be in charge of 93 male students. We'll be housed right in with the guys! Our new home will be on Lee's campus. Tennis courts, a rec center and volleyball courts are right in our front yard. The staff seems extremely friendly there.
With all that said, we are sad to be leaving our friends and family behind. We've been blessed beyond belief during these past few years. Our small community grew into a great big one since the boys were born. We won't ever forget the friends we've made, the memories we've created, and the bonds we've formed. We look forward to keeping in touch with each and every one of you. We have the schedule of a teacher or student. This means spring breaks off, summers spent in Michigan, and Holidays with those we love.
Bye for now. With this entry comes a new promise. More photos and entries for those of you who requested! You'll be able to join us on this new adventure to Tennessee. Thanks for coming along with us, we'll miss you if you stay behind!
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