Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Well, the bill arrived today. It came sooner than we thought but we knew before long it would come. When Payton was first diagnosed just days after he was born, we knew that the expense of having surgery would not be low. We didn't think much about it. You simply cannot put a price on your child's life. You take care of things as they arise. The total bill for the 4 days at the hospital follows: ICU= $3820.00 Semi= $1310.00 Pharmacy= $1880.77 IV Solutions= $202.00 Medical - Surgical Supplies= $ 7450.00 Sterile Supplies= $802.00 Laboratory = $2142.00 Diagnostic X-Ray= $461.00 Operating/Treatment Room = $8,121.00 Anesthesia= $3,478.00 Blood Storage Processing = $445.00 Respiratory Services = $127.00 Pulmonary Function = $639.00 Cardiology = $639.00 EKG/ECG Telemetry = $3,044.00 Special Hospital Meal = $6.00 Grand Total : $35,356.77 Wow, quite the bill. We are so blessed though. When I looked at the bill and saw the total that we owed, I began to laugh. I really did. Brandon heard me and wanted to know what I was laughing about. I was laughing because the total that we owed was $6. Yes, $6. I'm going to leave this one for Brandon... he ordered himself a meal one night while I had gone to the hotel to get some rest.I just can't believe it! I am still seeing God work through all of this. If Payton had the procedure done when he was supposed to have, our expenses would have been through the roof. We would have been paying for years to come. Instead we were given some time. Given time to trust and believe. Time to realize that no matter what the circumstance, we would come through all of this stronger. We decided to let God be in control. By doing this, our faith has grown and we can see how He was by our side with each step. We know He will continue to guide us when we look to Him for direction. Payton had a follow up appointment with Dr. Lee, our pediatric cardiologist on Monday. Dr. Lee was extremely pleased with the results of Payton's surgery. He does not expect any future surgeries. There is a tiny bit of leakage from the patched hole. This was expected and normal and should close with time. He would like to see us back in 6 months.


Meyers Family said...

(Teary-eyed) WOW!!! Julia, you said it so well.......You can learn so much about faith just from raising your own kids - some days I feel I'm a completely different person - God orchestrated that, too :) Okay, I should just email you this is so long.........but I would be MORE than happy to "practice" a photo shoot with your boys.....honestly, it's a lot of fun and I would love to. Let me know! And have you figured out a vacation spot?

Meyers Family said...

me again........hey, what's your newest email address??? a friend of mine might be interested in your puppies if they're still for sale :)

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