Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Payton was in his glory at the 2008 Grand Rapids Auto Show. We brought the double stroller along just in case he wanted to ride through the show in the stroller. Ha, was I silly to think he would want to sit going through the show. He ran through the aisles trying to open the car doors. I'm sure the workers loved the little tiny finger prints he left on ALL of the vehicles! Payton's favorite kind of vehicle is still the truck. He is mesmerized by them. Semi's are second on the list. He continues to "ask them" to honk when we pass by them on the road. He's had a few truckers honk for him and he thinks this is just the greatest thing on earth! We've been having lots of fun lately. We visited the Bob the Builder exhibit at the Children's Museum in town. Payton absolutely loved the museum. It was difficult to get him to leave. He also enjoys Fredrick Meijer Gardens this year. He went 2 weeks ago with his Nana and was extremely interested in the quail that were running around in the greenhouse. We returned last week to pay a visit to the quail again. This time Ashley joined in on the fun. We also went to Playworld last week with our neighbors. Brandon was working for the night and they were thoughtful to invite us along. Payton was afraid of the long winding slide and wouldn't take the ride down it. Thanks to Mark who climbed from the bottom of the slide up to get Payton! He saved the day. We've had over 60 inches of snow this season. Brandon and Payton enjoyed sledding outside last weekend. We went out yesterday to try and build a snowman but unfortunately the snow wasn't cooperating! The forecast is calling for 7-12 inches by tomorrow night. Hopefully it'll be good packing snow.


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