Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's that time of year! Nana always makes her famous "spritz" Christmas cookies and this year Payton was able to help. Payton loved the sprinkles of course. He was caught eating the raw cookies off of the cookie sheet before they were baked. What a silly guy! It's been so much fun watching Payton grow. He is such a different little guy than he was last year. A few days back he took a big spill outside on the ice. It scared him at first so now he knows to take "small steps" outside. Payton loves the outdoor winter weather. He's great about wearing his coat, hat, and mittens. I'll post some outdoor pics soon!


Meyers Family said...

Jackson has that SAME outfit - love it! Got your cmas card - very cute! You look great for just having a baby :)

Carlson's said...

So fun! We really have to get together after the holidays sometime. I would love to see Hudson & the boys could play. Hope you are doing great, have a blessed Christmas!

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