Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wow, I really never thought that I would go this long without posting. Life has certainly changed indeed. It seems to go through my mind daily that I need to make a post. While thinking this, I always seem to have a diaper in my hand or a child to hold! I wouldn't want it any other way. This is so much fun and life sure is BUSY! We've been staying with my Mom since Hudson was born. We were originally staying one week but we now have no date set to leave! My Mom has been amazing. She wakes up in the morning with Payton and feeds him breakfast and stays by our side throughout the day. She does everything! She changes diapers and gives baths, she buckles and unbuckles, she carries and holds, and gives unconditional love to Payton and Hudson without one complaint. For this, we are so blessed. Brandon has been working long hours. Payton frequently calls out his name during the day looking for him. It warms and breaks my heart at the same time. Payton is still adapting to having a brother. I think that he likes him but there are times when I question it! He no longer kisses Hudson on the head, he licks his hair and then smiles. We're quite certain that he has learned from Lola our dog. He thinks that kisses are given by the licking. How sweet! We thank all of our friends and family for their support before, during, and after Hudson's birth. The phone calls, meals, flowers, gifts, visits, and babysitting are so much appreciated. We have been blessed by an incredible community of people. We love you all!


Carlson's said...

I hear you! Life has changed over here too, crazy isn't it? I do agree though I wouldn't want it any other way. I love being a mother of 2 even on the crazy bad days, we would love to see you guys if you want to hang out soon. Glad all is well.

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