Saturday, May 23, 2009

wow, so this is incredible. many of you know that last year i joined the board of until journey's end. we support families in medical crisis that are being treated away from home. this organization is a blessing to many people's lives, including my own. we have been generously blessed within the past week. we were chosen to receive proceeds from a t-shirt sale. please check out the unfolding post and read what this is all about. this link will take you to a blog that we began following as an organization last year. we ended up sending this family a care package when their son stellan was being hospitalized. they kindly remembered the work that we do and decided to have a fundraiser for us. we are grateful for their generosity. if i may say so myself, these shirts are pretty darn cool! i plan to get one myself. i encourage you to do the same! if you end up purchasing one, tiffany and i are going to throw a little party and invite everyone to wear their t-shirts.  stay tuned for updates! thanks for your support!


Amie said...

Thanks for posting about Wild Olive Tees. You have been entered into our giveaway!

Very cool that you are a part of Until Journeys End. AS we heard more about your organization through Jennifer's site,and we learned about how UJE does so much for so many families in crises, we knew we wanted to ask her to help funraise for your organization. And we are so pleased to know so many are going to know of the work you do becuase of it. Very cool stuff.

And a t-shirt party. How very cool. wish I could be there to celebrate with you.



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