Sunday, September 21, 2008

We had a fun filled weekend at our household. Grandma Madeline and Great Grandma Sally visited. Elizabeth snuck away too from Ohio and brought Tommy and Olivia. We missed Mark but look forward to seeing him in a few weeks. Elizabeth and I were so lucky to have our Grandma growing up. We were able to reminisce together with thoughts of our upbringing. Grandma Madeline was always there for us. She opened her and Papa's home to us several times weekly. You can only imagine how lonely it must have been for my Mom after my Dad died when I was 3.  Dinners weren't quite the same and time alone for my Mom wasn't very often. Grandma was extra special. She'd take Elizabeth and I for the weekends. We loved painting our nails and doing hair. Grandma played the piano and sang with us. She took us to Sunday school and  had us over for dinner. We will never forget the delicious Italian meals she used to make. We were spoiled this weekend by Grandma's cooking. She showed us how to make her homemade spaghetti sauce and salad dressing. She also made "pasta fazul."  Mmm, I'm getting hungry just writing about it! Everyone left this afternoon. Payton is wondering if his Grandma and Cousins are comin' up again soon. How sweet! A fun family weekend has now come to an end. Hope yours was a good one too.


Carlson's said...

How is life with 2 boys Julia? Is is crazy? I am loving this time in our lives so much right now. I feel like the kids are really starting to enjoy each other & it is so much fun to watch them play. I thought you would be feeling the same . :) Hope things are great with you.

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